Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A scent carpet by Peter de Cupere

Artistul olfactiv Peter de Cupere a realizat un covor parfumat — ”The Hidden Persian Carpet” —, care poate fi văzut și mirosit până pe 6 februarie 2022, în cadrul expoziției colective Fiat Lux — @pilarbrussels & @vubrussel. Mai multe informații despre artist găsiți aici.
For this exhibition I created a new scented carpet of ground herbs, based on the Tibetan Buddhist sand mandalas where one works for days on a sand drawing and then destroys it by rubbing the sand together and returning the whole mix back to nature. I applied this concept with spices to the Persian carpet that I first carefully made from only herbs. Then when I was satisfied with the result I changed it experimentally into an abstract scented spicy carpet.
In the next step I mix all the spices and change the carpet into a monochrome carpet.
After the exhibition I distill all the spicy mix into one essential oil what will be the olfactory memory of the work.
— Peter de Cupere
Sursă: pagina de Facebook a artistului.

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